Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Finally got the opportunity to get out on the water. The weather, fuel prices, and timing has been preventing this avid boater to stay on dry land far too long. Got the opportunity to go out during the week, family was in tow, my son and daughter, her three children and her man were all in attendance. It seems I am not the only one who has the calling of the sea.

We headed out and the weather was just beautiful, trolling lines out, just waiting for that sound the drag makes when a fish hits. Not a lot of time passed when we got our first hit, by the end of the day we had 4 beautiful dolphin and 3 tuna aboard the boat. We enjoyed a fantastic fish fry that weekend.

That same Sunday, would be Mothers Day and our annual trip. It always seems to be good weather on that day, it would be our 11Th Annual trip. The same crew was in attendance and we headed out to the same location. We found the gulf stream out at about 15 miles and the rods began to bend, another 4 beautiful dolphin on the boat and to our surprise 2 triple tails. This was ladies day and we have never gone home empty handed. The end of the day was fantastic, the guys cleaned up and filleted the fish. Feeling like my life has been handed back to me I melted into my sheets for the evening dreaming about the next fishing trip.


Mini said...

That was a great week. Hope to go out again on Sunday, but shhhhh! Don't want anyone to find out!

Patti said...

I would love one day to catch a fish that big...=)

Patti said...

I would love on day to catch a fish that big...=)

Anonymous said...

I always motivated by you, your opinion and attitude, again, appreciate for this nice post.

- Norman